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Tarvos has closed. -- Thank you for the fun memories. ×


Tarvos Staff | Founder Founder
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Everything posted by Ryko

  1. STAFF RECRUITMENT The Tarvos Community is looking to expand its team by scouting talented staff with passion for gaming and traits that will benefit the community. You will get to work with a young and innovative team that is extremely eager to push the limits of the community and is constantly striving to provide what's best. The team offers a variety of work with many current and upcoming departments to establish positive working ethics, allowing you to further develop your skills in a fun and educational way. (!) In the Moderation Team, you will start off as a Support Staff. As Support you will perform various tasks such as to answer questions from our players, moderate activity on all our community-sites and servers. Support Staff will be provided with a knowledge base that includes various guides to help them perform their tasks. After 2 months of holding the rank of Support and reading up on the knowledge base and its orientation, you will get the opportunity to file a Moderation Certification. The Moderation Certification is an examination where your skills and knowledge will be put to the test. After successfully completing the Moderation Certification, if eligible, you will be promoted to the rank of Moderator. (!) Positions marked with the 'TBD' tag are, as the tag suggests "to be determined" and not actively occupied. Candidates for these positions are usually selected within the existing staff team and thus we do not accept public applications for these positions. The reason for this is because we have learned from experience that it is more effective to appoint current personnel that are trained, up-to-date with our staff policies, understand our community standards, business model and staff structure / organizational chart. Join our Discord server for more information: https://discord.gg/vZQcj9d Click the following link to apply for a position within our amazing team: https://tarvos-gaming.com/forums/index.php?/forum/23-staff-applications/
  2. STAFF ROSTER Executive Management - Ryko - Founder - Community Executive - Sparrow - Founder - Commercial Executive - James - Founder - Development Executive Community Management - TBD - Manager - Head of Personnel Management - TBD - Manager - Head of Communications - TBD - Manager - Head of Development - TBD - Manager - Head of Multimedia Development - Tom - Developer - Kotlin Developer - Frogium - Developer - Kotlin Developer - Nyvil - Developer - Kotlin Developer - Death - Developer - Kotlin Developer - Jeremy - Developer - Kotlin Developer - VACANT - Junior Developer - Interim Developer Coordination - Desmond - Administrator - Moderation Coordinator - TBD - Trial Administrator - Interim Build Coordinator - TBD - Trial Administrator - Interim Events Coordinator - TBD - Trial Administrator - Interim Marketing Coordinator - TBD - Trial Administrator - Interim Audio Coordinator - TBD - Trial Administrator - Interim Graphics Coordinator Moderation - TBD - Senior Moderator - Moderation Zone Lead | NA - TBD - Senior Moderator - Moderation Zone Lead | EU - TBD - Senior Moderator - Moderation Zone Lead | OC - Ender - Moderator - General Moderation Staff Moderation (Interim) - VACANT - Support - Interim Moderation Staff Build - TBD - Senior Builder - Build Zone Lead | NA - TBD - Senior Builder - Build Zone Lead | EU - TBD - Senior Builder - Build Zone Lead | OC - VACANT - Builder - Build Staff Contribution - VACANT - Contributor - Events Liaison - VACANT - Contributor - Marketing Press Multimedia - VACANT - Media - 3D Modelling | Graphics - VACANT - Media - Artwork | Graphics - VACANT - Media - Texturing | Graphics - Lexy - Media - Voice Acting | Audio - VACANT - Media - Voice Acting | Audio - VACANT - Media - Componist / Musician | Audio - VACANT - Media - Sound Design | Audio ORGANIZATIONAL CHART
  3. Hello everyone. It is with a heavy broken heart that I'm writing this announcement to you all today. I will do my best to keep this message as short as possible.. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Tarvos will seize its community and gaming operations with Minecraft and our website. This means that Tarvos: Universe, SMP and Arcade will be taken offline at the end of this month, as well as our forums. We understand that this wrecking ball coming in may shock you, it has to us as well. It is our plan to keep the Discord server up and running for now, until we decide on next steps. It is possible that Tarvos won't return in the future, but with the amount of passion, effort and dedication poured into the project, it is more likely that Tarvos will eventually get further commitment and all the attention it deserves. It is still our dream to release Tarvos: Universe! - The idea we all fell in love with, our baby, Minecraft's biggest MMO collaboration to date. I will personally make it my goal to stay more involved on Discord with the people that decide to continue chatting with us and hanging out in voice channels, and to keep you all up to date. If you have any questions about this or would like to talk to me; @ me in #general or send me a DM on Discord. I want to thank you all for sticking around and believing in Tarvos, it's been an honor to talk and work with many of you on this insanely cool project. I want to thank all of our staff and retired staff for all of the love they have poured into this. For now, once again; Thank you and farewell.. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/KBtAC7M
  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR! We wish all of you the best for 2022, a year hopefully filled with more warmth from the people we love. We know it's not the new year just yet, but we figured it'd be the best time to reach you all, before you start celebrating.. All of you have joined our community, either through our applications or through an invite from one of our staff members. I also know that you are all excited to find out more about Tarvos: Universe, the gamemode we have been working on for 2 years. In those past 2 years we have put so much effort and time in all aspects of Tarvos: Universe; developing, building, designing, testing. It all started with a single document that had "community idea" written on it, all the way to thousands of documents, millions of lines of code, hundreds of models and designs. We're going to keep on working hard to push the limits of Minecraft and excite everyone to play on Tarvos. We're going to invest time to establish good relations with and amongst content creators in order to provide streamers with fun and engaging content, as well as a formfactor to drive more players into the community. We're fortunate to finally reveal our Closed BETA release date along with a list of features you can expect: Tarvos: Universe Closed BETA will be open & playable for invited members on the 31st of March, 2022. You will be able to create your own character entirely, including your planet of origin and class preference. Depending on your preferred playstyle, you can play as a lone wolf, join a clan or set up a clan of your own. - Be aware with picking your members, as classes have a strategic aspect, this will play a big role in PvP! There will be an immersive, interactive storyline that can be influenced based on decisions you make. E.G. your planet of origin, your class, and further character/skill development. - This means that not everyone will have the exact same storyline and/or quests, but very balanced nonetheless! There will be loads of custom mobs, landmarks, biomes and other features you can interact with and explore. You can request Closed BETA access here: https://tarvos-gaming.com/forums/index.php?/forms/12-closed-beta-registration-form/
  5. Welcome @bigmoneycerts and have fun!
  6. Tarvos: Universe - Classes What to expect from classes in BETA? This post is meant as a quick-peak overview to the initial classes and their categories in Tarvos: Universe. - Each class is balanced and has its own unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses. This allows players to strategically play whilst each following a unique and diverse storyline. This means that; NO - there are no overpowered classes. But plenty of space to find your own preferred playstyle. If you manage to master your playstyle, you'll find yourself in advantage during combat. Each category provides a light-weight, medium-weight and heavy-weight class. - Consider this your typical "tanks, fast DPS', healers type" layout. Knight: As the name suggests, these classes are very powerful at short range but don't be surprised if you do get nudged from a distance. Hunter: Effective from far, whether that's to oversee, provide assistance in a raid, or defend and stand ground in your own territory. Assassin: Sneaking up in the shadows, playing with the sound of silence. No need to blast and ring an alarm, just slow and steady.. Mage: Motioning with the art of life, bending the elements that surround us by nature.. This can be used for the good, to heal those you care about.. - Or the worse, total destruction of those that get in your way.
  7. I voted hard as well, same reasoning as @Mandelasa.
  8. COMMUNITY INPUT #3: SMP Difficulty Discussions may be held below. Hello everyone! We'd like to ask everyone to share their opinions on the SMP game difficulty. Share your thoughts below, as the difficulty affects a variety of game mechanics, including villager trading, mob spawn rates, damage etc..
  9. Welcome to Tarvos @manovra! - We hope you enjoy your time here.
  10. Happy birthday!

  11. Tarvos SMP is back! This is a quick announcement to let you know that the Tarvos SMP server is back.. - On 1.17.1! As previously mentioned, we've revised our systems and made massive improvements to our overall infrastructure, as well as major progress to Universe and Arcade. You may also come across Tarvos custom items & mobs, there's a few in the SMP and we might add more along the way, familiarize yourself with unique, upcoming Universe and Arcade items in the SMP! Regarding the rules: In the SMP server, there are no rules, with the exception of our communication / hacking rules found on our website. - These are in place to ensure a friendly environment and fun playstyle. Website: https://tarvos-gaming.com/ IP: mc.tarvos-gaming.com You can join the SMP by clicking the SMP server in the bottom left corner of the realm selection menu, after connecting to our IP. See you there! - Tarvos Staff Team
  12. I'm proud of you my little goblin.

  13. Phenomenal job @Tom & @James ! Tarvos already had been providing a gameplay we loved to call smooth as butter. That's now been taken to the next-est level, even further than anyone could've ever imagined on Minecraft. Congrats everyone! ❤
  14. "Tarvos Tester since 2020" time to update that signature bro ahah!
  15. Good to have you on board!
  16. Good to have you Desmond!
  17. The following images have surfaced on the Origin website of the Netherlands. Source: https://www.origin.com/nld/en-us/store/browse?fq=franchise:battlefield&sort=rank desc
  18. Welcome @Thanks, it's great to have you onboard! Sweet intro!
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