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Posts posted by Desmond

  1. 13 hours ago, Melt said:

    Watch out for this though:

    Limited time offer for first-time Nitro users only. Subscription auto-renews for $9.99/month unless cancelled. 

    Meaning, you either cancel it directly or get charged automatically.

    True, but hey its 3 months. As long as you do it immediately its still 3 months!

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  2. I also very much still like Etho and the Hermits as well. They are always so full of energy and it inspires me to build bigger better things with more detail, although its slightly embarrassing to say so. 

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  3. I really like this idea, of course it comes with ups and downs. I don't have enough information to fully create an opinion on the player shops, but if all proceeds are going to the player, and they are "player shops," I think that you might have to pay to have a player shop. Hypothetically, if that were true then I think you shouldn't have to pay up front for the player shop. But instead, depending on how popular the area where your player shop is, a certain % of the proceeds should go to the proprietor. That way, rich players won't always get prefer getting richer via the economy, and reserve the best areas to sell. If that is not the case however, as I said earlier I don't have enough information to go off of. I simply think that is a good idea. An auction house is a good idea, but I think there should be set values you can price certain items, so that players can't troll by renaming an item to something inappropriate or stupid, and selling it for a ridiculous price so that nobody will buy it. In my opinion, you should make it so that player renamed items cannot be sold in AH, and there is a bottom and top price for specific items in this AH. (AH being Auction House) Direct player to player trading is a no brainer. Its simply necessary.  But a suggestion I have is that when there is multi-world support leading to this in total "Universe", you should be able to still player trade through different servers. That is all I have to say about this system, anything you would like me to elaborate on just dm me on Discord.


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  4. Nice to meet you, Melt! What started me playing Minecraft was probably the Youtuber's I watched playing it. They were all so deep into their game experiences, and having so much fun with each other I suppose you could say it just called me. I have to say that both the communities and creative aspect of Minecraft make it what I enjoy. Minecraft truly wouldn't be Minecraft without its communities. I'm not actually sure what Youtuber I watched, as it was most likely when I was five years old. Cool introduction, good to know!

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  5. Hey, I'm Des or Desmond.

    My ign is DesmondOnTheMoon, and I've been playing Minecraft since 2013. I actually first played Minecraft on the Xbox 360, but after that became obsolete I decided I wanted to get a computer. That is what lead me to playing Java edition. After a while, we're here in 2021! I enjoy anime very much, as well as most Japanese culture. My favorite color is Pink, and my favorite animals are dogs. Feel free to dm me on Discord if you ever have any questions or need something, thats all!

    Hope to meet you, Des.

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