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Tarvos has closed. -- Thank you for the fun memories. ×


Tarvos Staff | Developer Developer
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Everything posted by Jeremy

  1. I just saw this, stealing it forever thanks @Sparrow
  2. Eyyy welcome to the forums thackston
  3. Oh dang The most recent one I have is in an SMP with my buds
  4. Oh boy yeah i just did! Can't believe it's been 6 months already
  5. Yeah lol so when someone tries to leave the minecraft server, it doesn't let them leave and plays the SAO theme! Just a little joke lol
  6. I currently have 300 hours on various types. I think I have around 120-130 hours solo and the rest with my instructor. I also have 5 multi engine hours! Awww thanks! When I get in the air solo ill send some pictures here and in media for sure! Also I can't believe I spelt plagiarism wrong...
  7. Ooooh! I recently got into anime, I am currently watching Soul Eater! Some animes i have watched already: Attack on Titan 8/10 Hunter X Hunter 9/10 The Promised Neverland 8/10 Sword Art Online 7/10 Maid Sama 4/10 (I like action animes more don't hate me)
  8. 16 and already 7-8 years on minecraft?? Crazy! Glad to have you
  9. 5 years of moderation goddamnnn Also desmond and ziza add me on valorant! EvilTerabyte#BYTE
  10. Hermitcraft was definitely an inspiration to keep playing minecraft! Although what initially got me into minecraft was the technical side! I used to watch sethbling and ethos contraptions. Absolutely insane! Also playing on the website was basically 2b2t except everyone was in creative mode lol
  11. Hello there, I stole Mandelasa's layout! #PlagairismName: Jeremy (EvilTerabite) Age:20 (August 23rd, 2000)Pronouns: He/Him Basic history on me: I have owned and maintained many servers, and wanted to start a server just like Tarvos. When looking for people to hire for my server, I found Tarvos. I completely dropped the server and joined Tarvos as a Tester. Since becoming a tester, I expressed my interest in joining the development team. Upon meeting James and Tom they were leagues above me and I really wanted to learn how to code Java at a more advanced level. Since then I have learned a lot and I hope to keep developing for Tarvos! This whole community has been great and I can't wait to show everyone what we have been working on!Other hobbies: I am a an aspiring airline pilot, currently studying aviation in college. I have my private pilots license and I am working hard on my Commercial Pilots License. I am usually always on discord probably working on Tarvos, so just shoot me a DM and i'll definitely respond! (P.S. I'm not gonna leak anything lol)
  12. Yooooo August buddies unite
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